Canned library
Made to have print in libraries take up less space but still being accessible
Facsimile print
Early form of accessibility
Not rapid enough, and the quality of images was low and it could only print on a small size of paper
Electronic home library
Future thinking and creative
Not very available for all households very high threshold
Widespread improvement of canned libraries
Smart Design
Early iPad idea
Xerox ePaper
New technology using electrically charged microspheres
Email no trees were harmed
Boost to the digital edition market, customers felt they were harming the environment less
Caused people to print more as more content was made printable such as email
Knight Ridder
Aim to explore the future of news, tablet prototype.
News;updateable, read out loud
Too early, a lot of these technologies weren't advanced enough yet
Adobes widespread format still used by a large audience and compatible with pretty much all devices
Novelty, slow,
took 5 seconds to flip the page
Blog live journal
Big change in how information
was being produced and consumed online.
Anyone could access and produce
Need internet to access
Book mobile
Simple technology (computer, printer, binding machine) stored inside a van to produce books in print for the public
Not a widespread audience
Email flyer
Performative way of showing how email works in terms of spamming, however made more of a statement in the physical context
Printed vs online texts trust being put to the test
Mobile phone novels
Accessible at all times, big profits lead to more sales in physical books also
Limited to one format only able to be viewed in the latest available format of the medium
Suitable for our society who are always on the go and cheaper than print. Accessible via download
Not the same feel as real book, needs to be charged, flipping takes long, no colour, fragile, books can be removed by the author
Limited edition, special item with content, offline, physical but still digital
Can get corrupted or overridden, only accessible to people who are in possession of this
Human Printer
Increases craftsmanship in a digital society, Special as it is limited edition
Time needed to create something like this, and precision
Increases sale, circulation and interest of printed books.
Digital checkouts
Keeps some of the aspects of the experience of a physical library,fast growth
Only one copy of each still available, not the same library experience
Antonio Canova
Making a book a luxury item to possess, uniqueness, higher value
Not available to everyone, crazy high prices, can be considered kitsch
Sharp, Aquos TV
Early version of a Smart TV
Screen too far away and too large for reading
Gives the user a say in what should be published and the user being in charge of the content
Personal device,organized,compliance with existing formats, really good screen resolution
As too much material was being printed this was there to make sure that not all materials could be printed causing harm on the environment
Reading on screen is strenuous for the eyes