Portfolio caption:
How can I highlight the significance and intrigue of unfinished work by organising an archive that allows artists with unfinished work to submit their work and gain a new perspective on their work?
In the case of the unfinished archive I discovered that the purpose of this online archive was to bring attention to work that wouldn’t otherwise be seen even though it still serves the viewer a lot of intrigue. The goal is to demonstrate that intrigue and fascination through correlating the submitted work with theory that explains a great deal about the interest and value of unfinished work.
The correlation is made by adding a series of tags attached to each work that describes it the best and within that you can discover explanations that connect and give the user a new perspective on the unfinished.
From there a book of posters is created annually to put the work in a context that it wouldn’t have been in had it stayed on the artists hard drive or in that dusty pile. Giving it a new life and significance, from there the viewer can see the name of the work and artist and find the work under the designated tags that are shown on the front page.